--- title: "MortalityGaps R Package" author: "Marius Pascariu" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::pdf_document # rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Vignette --- MortalityGaps R package} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- This package contains source code for the Double-Gap model for forecasting life expectancy in human populations. # Description Life expectancy is highly correlated over time among countries and between males and females. These associations can be used to improve forecasts. Here we have implemented a method for forecasting female life expectancy based on analysis of the gap between female life expectancy in a country compared with the record level of female life expectancy in the world. Second, to forecast male life expectancy, the gap between male life expectancy and female life expectancy in a country is analysed. We named this method the Double-Gap model. For a detailed description of the method see Pascariu et al. (2017). ## Installation 1. Make sure you have the most recent version of R 2. Run the following code in your R console ```R install.packages("MortalityGaps") ``` ## Updating to the latest version of the package You can track and contribute to the development of `MortalityGaps` on [GitHub](https://github.com/mpascariu/MortalityLaws). To install it: 1. Install the release version of `devtools` from CRAN with `install.packages("devtools")`. 2. Make sure you have a working development environment. * **Windows**: Install [Rtools](https://CRAN.R-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/). * **Mac**: Install `Xcode` from the Mac App Store. * **Linux**: Install a compiler and various development libraries (details vary across different flavors of Linux). 3. Install the development version of `MortalityGaps`. ```R devtools::install_github("mpascariu/MortalityGaps") ``` # Help All functions are documented in the standard way, which means that once you load the package using ```library(MortalityGaps)``` you can just type ```?DoubleGap``` to see the help file. # Examples ```{r} library(MortalityGaps) ``` ### Input data ```{r} # Collection of life expectancies for female populations exF <- MortalityGaps.data$exF # Life expectancy for male populations exM <- MortalityGaps.data$exM head(exF) ``` ### Fit DG model at age 0 for Australia using data from 1950 to 2014 ```{r} M0 <- DoubleGap(DF = exF, DM = exM, age = 0, country = "AUS", years = 1950:2014) M0 ``` ### Summary results ```{r} summary(M0) ``` ### Forecast life expectancy in Australia until 2050 ```{r} P0 <- predict(M0, h = 36) ``` ### Plot the results ```{r, fig.asp = 0.9} plot(P0) ```